Fire Safety
Building Control Regulations require that you obtain a fire safety certificate and disabled access certificate from the Local Authority before you start construction works.
As a rule, 80% of businesses never re-open after a serious fire.
40 to 50 people die each year in Ireland as a result of fire, the vast majority in their own home.
Building Regulations require minimum standards in regard to fire safety. With the investment you plan to make in the building why not ensure the fire safety is up to standard.
Does your building comply? How do you know?
If you are about to develop a building, (either new build, extension, material alteration or a change of use) then the law requires you to obtain a fire safety certificate before you start works.
Are you about to buy a building? Have you checked the Planning?
Have you checked compliance with the Fire Cert? Many buildings now have a fire cert, but during construction many have had changes made to the plans, details and specifications.
Does it still comply?
Is the building in a regulated sector; e.g. nursing home, child-care or licensed premises?
As a well-qualified and experienced fire safety professional, I can help you.
Why not make your building accessible for everyone?
Most buildings tend to be designed by young fit healthy people for young fit healthy people.
Unfortunately not all of us are as young, fit and/or as healthy as we would like to be.
Many of us have impairment in our ability to move, to see, to hear and to understand.
To cater for this reality, most building projects now require to be designed and constructed so as to be accessible and the facilities usable by a wider spectrum of the population. Designing the project in this fashion will improve the usability of the building for all occupants.
I can assist you by preparing the application for a Disability Access Certificate [DAC], which is issued by your Local Authority.